Norris University Center
1999 Campus Drive
Evanston, IL 60208
Located just east of University Library along Lake Michigan.

Norris University Center (1972) has five levels, two of which are underground. Designed by Edward Dart of Loebl, Schlossman, Dart & Hackl, the 160,000-square-foot structure contains the 350-seat McCormick Auditorium, meeting rooms for student organizations, a bookstore, and recreational and dining areas. The center was named for Northwestern trustee and alumnus Lester Norris Jr.
Departments in this building
- Cashier's Office, Norris University Center
- Fraternity and Sorority Life, Office of
- National Panhellenic Council
- Student Organizations
- Students Publishing Co. Inc.
- Daily Northwestern
- Syllabus Yearbook
- Wildcard Office, Evanston Campus
- Multicultural Greek Council
- Panhellenic Association
- Norris Event Management
- Associated Student Government
- Norris University Center
- Campus Life
- Norris Center Bookstore
- Dittmar Memorial Gallery
For a list of all University departments see the Office Directory
Rooms in this building
- Armadillo Room 208
- Northwestern Room 202A & B
- Lake Room 203
- Big Ten Room 104
- Wildcat Room 101A & 101B
- Evans Room 102
- Alumni Room 301
- Casbah Room
- Arch Room 206
- Rock Room 207
- Eighteen Fifty-One Room 201
- Chicago Room 103
- McCormick Auditorium
- Louis Room 205A & B
- Scholars Room 204