John Evans Center
1800 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60208
Located on the northwest corner of the John Evans Center.

The John Evans Center (1880), built at an estimated cost of $20,000, was initially the private residence of L. D. Norton, president of the Norton Can Company. Architect Edward Baumann originally designed the house in the Queen Anne style. In 1905 the Rufus C. and Helen Gates Dawes family purchased the house and, 10 years later, had the exterior completely remodeled to its present Tudor style. In 1943 Northwestern bought the 21-room house with its library, parlor, reception room, sitting room, and ballroom for use as the Student Center for Religious and Social Services. In 1955 the house began to be used by the University as a center for alumni. It is named in honor of John Evans, one of Northwestern's founders and the man for whom Evanston is named.
Departments in this building
For a list of all University departments see the Office Directory