Loder Hall
2121 Sheridan Road
Evanston, IL 60201
Located along Sheridan Road just west of Annenberg Hall.

Loder Hall located at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, founded in 1855, on the campus of Northwestern University was designed by Holabird and Root and built in 1959. As a result of numerous feasibility studies aiming to update and meet the current and future needs of this institution, the 35,000 SF residence hall was completely renovated and modified to provide single rooms with private baths, very different from the 1959 layout. Also, new mixed used spaces were integrated into lower level and first floor spaces including classroom, offices, kitchen & dining, bookstore and student center. Work included new layout, interior finishes and furnishings; new mechanical (geothermal), electrical, and plumbing systems, reworking sprinkler and fire alarm systems, telecommunications and new ADA compliant elevator to all floors. Exterior envelope work included new insulation, windows, and roofs – including a vegetative roof.