Allison Hall
1820 Chicago Avenue
Evanston, IL 60201
Located along Chicago Avenue just south of the University Christian Ministry.

Allison Hall was opened in 1960 as a residence for freshman women. From 1976 to 1981 the fourth floor of Allison held Allison Residential College (ARC), an early component of the residential college system, with a focus on women's studies. In 1981 ARC moved to Hobart House and became the Women's Residential College. In 1985 Allison Hall began serving as a coeducational residence hall. Designed and built by Holabird, Root, and Burgee, Allison Hall was built at a cost of $2 million. It is named in honor of Ruth Jones Allison, who bequeathed a gift to Northwestern of $1 million upon her death in 1957.